Tangled Yoga

Yoga classes in Luxembourg

Life is a gift, but it’s also a piece of art. Each morning we get up to create our master piece adding new experiences, learnings and memories into it. However it can be disrupted by stress, tiredness or any other numerous negative things.

Through yoga you can create mindful life, where you become aware of your own “knots”. Some of them you like and want to preserve, others need to be untangled and released. Come and join me in my tangled journey!

© 2020 Tangled Yoga. All rights reserved.

About me

My name is Kasia. I was always fascinated with movement. I practiced sport ever since I could remember. My body was fit and healthy, but there was something missing. Only when I discovered yoga I found it complete, as it works not only on my body, but also on the mind and spirit.

Since December 2019 I am a certified yoga teacher (RYT 200 accredited by Yoga Alliance), specialized in Vinyasa Flow. I did my course in Ubud, Bali – considered to be a healing center of yoga. I am also certified with Yin Yoga (50hrs Yin Yoga Essentials). To be more empathetic and skillful teacher I also accomplished various trainings about anatomy, alignment and meditation.

I am also doing Macramé and it's my way of meditating. The moment my fingers slide on the threads and create knots I move to the inner self. I feel so empowered while creating new things – from wall macramé to the clothing. I can do anything, just bring your vision or need and I will embody it in the knots.

© 2020 Tangled Yoga. All rights reserved.


Macramé is an art of creating different types of textiles by using many types of knots. This technique has its roots in the 13th century Arabic culture and it was brought to south of Spain with Moorish from where it was gradually spread within the Europe.

The Spanish word macramé is derived from the Arabic “migramah”, believed to mean “embroidered veil” “ornamental fringe” or “striped towel”. Through centuries sailors used this technique during their “off hours” on the sea, creating things that later on they could sell or exchange in wherever they would land. Macramé was getting popular and then forgotten many times. This time it is living its renaissance again with the fashion for Boho style, inspired by the lifestyle of free spirits and hippies of the 1960s and 1970s.

I tangle my knots ever since I was a teenager. I started with bracelets, then moved to the bigger pieces like wall hangings or even clothing.

Feel free to reach out for any macramé ideas. It is perfect deco item or very original idea for gift for birthday, baby shower, Christmas or any other occasion! Sky is the limit with all the macramé creativity.

© 2020 Tangled Yoga. All rights reserved.

I teach yoga in Urban Leaf Studio in Luxembourg City (Limpertsberg, 9 Rue des Glacis)

Yang to Yin YogaWednesdays 19:00 - 20:00
Yin YogaWednesdays 20:20 - 21:20

Prices for classes in Urban Leaf are managed by the studio. Please refer to their website for details.

Please read carefully General terms. By signing up for the class, you confirm that you read, understood and agreed to General terms.

I am also available for private classes – please contact me for details at [email protected].
Private classes are available in English or Polish.

Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa yoga is a sub-type of Hatha yoga. Vinyasa means "doing things in certain order" and it perfectly describes this kind of the practice.It is a quite dynamic style blending together movement (different poses - asanas) with the breath (pranayama).We are changing here the poses quite fast, holding them up to 5 breaths, which makes the practice "flowy".My classes are meant for beginners (no experience in yoga is required, as there is always clear guidance, so that everybody can follow), however there are some intermediate options given for more advanced studentsYou can definitely sweat here, but in the same time, it is not a cardio workout (even if it could be in more advanced classes).In Vinyasa we work both, on strength and stretching of the body.You can relax here during the physical effort.There are some meditative elements, but not much (beginning and end of the class).
Yin Yoga
Yin Yoga is based on the Chinese philosophy and medicine (TCM).It is very static - we keep the poses here for 3-5 minutes and because of that, we work on the deep muscles and tissues.It works more or less like an auto acupressure, where we compress or stretch different areas of the body depending on the theme of the class.Most of the poses are either sitting or supine.It is meant for all the levels as for each pose many variations are providedYou will not sweat here, but believe me, it is not easier because of thatIt is much more about self-awareness and meditation, going inwards and checking in with our bodies. You can really learn a lot about yourself, not only on the physical level...Yin yoga it’s a very good way to counterbalance hectic and stressful life.
Yang to Yin
It's based on the TCM's assumption that a vital force of life, called Qi, flows through the body. Any imbalance to Qi can cause disease and illness. Any imbalance is commonly thought to be caused by an alteration in the opposite and complementary forces that make up the Qi. These are called yin and yang.Yang quality is external, dynamic and warming, Yin instead, is more inward, slow-paced and cooling. When these terms are applied in yoga, Yang Yoga is an active practice, whereas Yin Yoga is a slower practice where poses are passively held for longer.Having those two qualities within one practice we work towards balancing the Yin and Yang within us.It's a perfect combination of dynamic sequence at the beginning of the class and slow paced practice in the end.

© 2020 Tangled Yoga. All rights reserved.

We would like to invite you for an Ayurvedic Yoga Retreat in luxury mountain resort in Montenegro

1,100€ / person | Shared 2- or 4- people tent1,600 € / person | Private tent
Price includes:
Yoga Retreat ProgramAccommodation (4 nights)Delicious food (brunch & dinner)
There is a direct Luxair flight from Luxembourg to Podgorica.

How to book the retreat?
Drop us an email at [email protected]
Only 7 spots left!

We prepared a booklet where you can find more information about the retreat. You can access it here

Join Sophie & Kasia for an Ayurvedic Yoga retreat in a luxurious isolated camping in the heart of nature in Montenegro.

Yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind, body, spirit and environment. Ayurveda, which can be translated as a "knowledge of life", being sister-science to Yoga, emphasizes good health, prevention and treatment of illness through lifestyle practices (such as massage, meditation, yoga, and dietary changes) and the use of herbal remedies.

Being complementary, both systems have been used together for thousands of years, but this tradition has been lost once Yoga was brought outside of India. The secret of healing however, can only happen, when Yoga and Ayurveda go together - one without the other is incomplete.

During the retreat you will reconnect with your true nature and:
Discover what is your predominant doshaLearn what is your birth ayurvedic constitution and how it differs from the current oneLearn how to use "5 elements" to live balanced and healthy lifeGet the lifestyle recommendations and routines that will preserve your physical and mental healthRealize imbalances in your body and mind and learn how to counterbalance themLearn how to adjust your yoga practice accordingly to your doshaTaste delicious food that serves you (depending on your dosha) in the best wayRelax and reconnect with the nature in the mountain forest

Meet the instructors

Kasia (Tangled Yoga) is a certified yoga teacher, specializing in Vinyasa flow and Yin yoga. She started her journey in Ubud, Bali (RYT200) and her mission is to bring yoga to those who need it and convince the world that yoga can be for everybody. She loves to work with the beginners and help them to discover their bodies all over again.

Sophie (Samskara Yoga Ayurveda) is a passionate and dedicated Yoga teacher, Ayurveda specialist & Reiki Master practitioner. She started her journey in Goa (India) to learn about the wisdom of Yoga (multi-style RYT200) and then dived deeper into the feminine divine healing energy of Yin yoga in Srilanka (RYT100). She is also an Ayurvedic Massage Therapist.

ašuma - luxury mountain resort

ašuma covers 10 hectares and is nestled in a serene valley surrounded by mountain peaks and wild beech forest within the boundaries of Lovcen National Park and at a height of 1000 m above sea level. It’s only 1 hour drive from the Podgorica airport.

It’s a unique natural space in a cherished setting for those who yearn for deeper awakening to their life through different body mental and spiritual practices.

Sleep inside bespoke tents from South Africa

Each of the tents has private entrance and its own outdoor space. Tents are fully equipped with authentic furniture from Indonesia, combined with Siberian larch flooring. Bathroom are attached and are equipped with all necessary facilities.

Tents have panoramic windows with mosquito nets. They are also heated. They can accommodate 2 or 4 people.

Eat organic vegan/vegetarian cuisine prepared by a world-class chef

2 meals per day (brunch & dinner) will be served in the cozy dining hall. The chef will serve organic vegan/vegetarian cuisine from carefully designed & curated menu.

If you get extra hungry, you will be able to purchase smoothies and other beverages in the lounge area.

Relax in the lounge area

The 250 square meters lounge area of is located in the center of ašuma retreat.
You can order there herbal teas, fresh juices, smoothies, read a book from inspiring library or just relax on one of the comfortable sofas.

Direct flights from Luxembourg

As we are based in Luxembourg, we recommend the direct Luxair flight from Luxembourg to Podgorica.

Of course we will happily welcome guests from different countries and we will do our best to accommodate different schedules.

We highly recommend you to book flexible or refundable flights in case of any changes to your trip.

Interested? Book today at [email protected]

© 2020 Tangled Yoga. All rights reserved.


You can contact me at [email protected]

I am also on social media:

© 2020 Tangled Yoga. All rights reserved.

Covid-19 restrictions:
Please stay home and rest if you feel sick.Mats are not provided, as long as there is a threat of the virus, therefor please bring your own mat.For the Yin class please bring your towel so that it can be put on the bolster.There is disinfectant at the entrance. Everyone is obliged to disinfect their hands when entering!Please put away and disinfect any props that you use.For your and your teacher's safety there will not be hands on alignments during the practice and savasana.
Studio Rules:
Remove your shoes at the door and leave them on the mat before. There are changing rooms available at the studio and also space where you can leave your belongings safely.Never adjust the lights, windows, blinds & radiators without permission.Please put away and disinfect any props that you use.Mobile phones have to be turned off or put on silent, please not on vibrate.
Your practice:
Please arrive a few minutes before class start time, to make sure you are ready for the class (dressed up, settled on the mat). If you are late, please do not enter during meditation or OMs, allowing others to enjoin the this intimate moment.Set an intention before the start of the practice. It will help you to focus and make the practice more meaningful. You can also dedicate your practice to somebody, sending good vibrations towards them.Practice ‘saucha’, which means “cleanliness” or “purity”. Arrive clean and free of scents that might distract or offend others. Do bring a towel or your own mat if you sweat a lot.Respect the Space. Practicing yoga in a group setting creates a sacred, safe zone. Observe silence before, during, and after practice. Allow room for other students to come in. Refrain from unnecessary talking, grunts, and moans. Do not chew gum during class — it’s distracting and unsafe.DON’T eat for two or three hours before class. If you practice yoga on a full stomach, you might experience cramps or nausea especially in twists, deep forward bends and inversions. Digesting food also takes energy that can make you lethargic.DO let your teacher know about injuries or conditions that might affect your practice. If you are injured or tired, skip poses you can’t or shouldn’t do, or try a modified version. Please notify your teacher if you are pregnant as not adjusted practice might be harmful to you and your baby.Practice Ahimsa, non-violence, with your words and actions to yourself and the others. HONOR YOUR LIMITS. Be gentle, patient and respectful to your body. Please do not compare to the others as everybody is on a different journey. Do not judge, observe and accept.If at any time during the class, you feel discomfort or strain, gently come out of the posture. You may rest at any time during the class. It is important in yoga that you listen to your body and respect its limits on any given day.Don’t skip Savasana – The final relaxation pose, as it helps your body and mind digest what they experienced during the practice. It's a vital pose as important as any other part of the practice.
Liability waiver
By signing for the class, students understand that yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. They should consult a physician or a doctor prior to beginning any activity program, including yoga. Students recognize that it is their responsibility to notify their teacher of any serious illness or injury before every yoga class and that they will not perform any postures to the extent of strain or pain.Students accept that neither the teacher, nor the hosting facility, is liable for any injury, or damages, to person or property, resulting from the taking of the class.
Your privacy:
Your email will be used for our commercial activities: newsletter, workshops info etc. If you wish not to received it, please inform us via email at [email protected]You have right to access your personal data, modify or deleted it, according to your will.Your personal data will never be disclosed to any 3rd party for no reason.